Tuesday, January 25, 2011

More sights and sounds from Santiago!

Here's a little video I put together from the trip...enjoy!

PS - Full screen it if it's too small


  1. Love the video!! So cool!

  2. The video is great! Like the humor....had no idea that the two of you could be so funny? Keep it coming. Nice to see what you are experiencing.

  3. Haha, Dad's comment just made me laugh out loud!! I loved seeing both of your faces in this video! It definitely looked coolllldd! BURR! Megan did a great job forecasting the weather... reminds me of her days on the Gadget show ;) if you know what I mean. I am living vicariously through you and your blogs.. keep em coming!! LOVE YOU!

  4. haha it does remind me of the gadget show! wish you could come out and visit.

  5. too bad it's so cold! did you guys end up going to mass in the 1000 year old church?
