Saturday, January 8, 2011

Cuentito #1 - Cogiendo un movil

Cuentito is the Spanish word for short short story. I decided that sometimes I don't have a full entry in mind, but I want to share a little anecdote. So here we go!

Here is an account of my 4 attempts to buy a prepaid cell phone at a little store down the way called Orange. Orange is a huge cell phone provider in Spain, but this store is small and cell phones are elusive. For me at least.

1. January 5th - I went to the Orange store at 5PM expecting to get a phone in about 20 minutes. The clerk, a tattooed woman that laughed a lot and was engorging on candy (from their Dia de los Reyes holiday) had to help 4 people before me. Everyone in the store was speaking Catalan, so I couldn't follow what was going on. I stood in line for about an hour and 45 minutes total. I patiently waited as she took about 30 minutes with one woman in particular. As you probably could imagine, when people are laughing and enjoying themselves in a foreign language while you're getting impatient, it's no fun - not even in Barcelona! Verdict: When I got to the front of the line, she said they were out of cheap phones and to come back Friday, after the holiday. Time spent: 1 hour and 45 minutes.

2. January 7th at 4:30 PM - I walked back to Orange with one mission in mind - get my little phone and leave. When I got there, the walls were boarded up like they are in the picture attached here. Verdict: It was siesta time from 4:00 - 5:00 PM. I waited outside for it to open back up until 5:15 and it didn't. Megan was waiting to meet up, so I left and decided I'd try again later. Total time to this point: 2 hours and 30 minutes.

3. January 7th at 6:45 PM: I got into Orange and no one was in line. I said a prayer of thanks and she helped me pick out a cheap phone. Verdict: Forgot my Passport. Total time spent: 2 hours and 50 minutes.

4. January 7th at 7:30 PM: After running back to get my passport, I arrived for the ultimate time at Orange. Unfortunately, an old man had walked in just before me and he decided it was a good time to buy his first cell phone. As you know, anyone past the age of 30 needs a lot of help when it comes to their first experience with technology. Verdict: The old man was nice to me, but he took his sweet time. Total time spent getting a phone: 3 hours and 50 minutes. My observations on culture, life, and language in the little Orange store: Priceless.

1 comment:

  1. I completely understand. I think murphy's law was really made up about trying to get anything done in a reasonable amount of time in Spain. General rule of thumb: if you have to wait in line for over an hour, you won't have the right paperwork with you.

    and the sequel:
