Tuesday, January 11, 2011

For here or to go?

Something that I'm picking up on here in Spain...they don't eat the American 3 meals a day as we know it, and unlike Americans they aren't constantly snacking on Lays and Cliff Bars throughout the day. Here's what I've deduced of their 5 meals thus far:

Desayuno (Breakfast): Normally a coffee and something as small as toast, bread and some ham to start the day.

Almuerzo ("Lunch"): Something like what we know as brunch - they sit and have another cafe con leche and maybe a bocadillo (a long, thin sandwich with a slice of meat).

Comida: This is the biggun...take a break out of your day around 2PM to have a 3 course lunch - primer plato, segundo plato, and a postre. Some of our lunches so far have gone for beyond two hours!

(Siesta around 4)

Merienda: This is an optional evening snack after siesta...this may be tapas or other finger food to keep you going until dinner.

Cena: Around 10 PM (After my parents normally go to bed) - this is wine and tapas, or something much smaller than the 2PM meal. That way, you aren't falling to sleep stuffed to the brim.

It's an interesting schedule isn't it? Some of you might be asking, "Well with all this eating and napping, when do they work?" I think I've heard that the Spanish work day goes until 7 to make room for all the stopping and going. I admit there is a pretty relaxed vibe here in Barcelona though...it's not common/sticks out to be drinking coffee in a to-go cup or taking food to-go. People definitely don't eat in the streets while walking. Why? Because the process of eating is a time to relax, talk, and de-stress. In Spain, especially in more traditional cities outside Barcelona, they aren't into our American always-on-the-go attitude. Hope this was an informative post and maybe you can give it a shot today!

PS. Megan moved into my district today...no more 45 minute metro commutes to go see her!


  1. Hey, glad to see Megan got to move closer! No In-N-Out Burgers? Please don't come home skinnier than when you left....take time to eat. I do wish we could incorporate the 4pm siesta into our day here in the States. That would be nice. (And for anybody reading this comment, his parents don't always go to bed by 10PM...we could stay up and have a glass of wine and a tapa if needed!)

  2. dude such a great post! I wonder how I'd fare...
    yay culture and yay ciesta.
    p.s. that yak penelope cruz description: priceless. (just like your cellphone story. how many fml moments can you have in one day?)

  3. oh also, one of the artists I follow on flickr just posted this picture. It's the yak!
